How to Remove Sample Data in PrestaShop 1.6.x

Like many CMSs, PrestaShop comes with some sample data installed for demonstration purposes. This data consists of catalog, orders and customers. 

While this data can be useful as a guide to help you better understand how PrestaShop works, it’s something that needs to be deleted once you are ready to setup your production site.

In the video below, I show you how to delete this data using the “database cleaner” module which is a module that comes with PrestaShop by default.

Can’t view the video? Watch it on YouTube

Locate the module:

Simply go to your PrestaShop admin panel then modules and modules.

Once on the modules page, look for “database cleaner”.

Install the module:

Once you have located the “database cleaner”, simply click the install button.

Select the data that you’d like to delete:

Now you will want to choose the information that you’d like to delete. For example you can delete the catalog and/or orders and customers.

Note that deleting your catalog will delete products, categories, manufactures and other catalog related data. Which means that this will also delete items that you’ve added to your store. So you’ll want to only delete this information if you’ve nothing or are willing to lose what you’ve added.

Same goes for orders and customers. If you’ve made any test orders, created any accounts or have had any real orders processed on the site, you will lose that information if you delete the orders and customers data.

So to delete the catalog, simply switch the slider from “no” to “yes” and click on the “delete catalog” button.

To delete the orders and customers data, simply follow the steps above; switch the slider from “no” to “yes” and click on the “delete orders and customers” button.

After deleting the data, you’ll want to also click on the “check and fix” button next to “functional integrity constraints” which gets rid of data that is linked to your catalog.

Next go to “database cleaning” and click on the “clean & optimize” button.

That’s it, all sample data at this point should have been removed.